Kanade Sato Biography

Kanade Sato
Born in Saitama Prefecture, Japan in 2002.
Roland, Pearl, SABIAN, REMO, HAOSEN artist.
Since she grew up in a musical family, she was always surrounded by Jazz fusion and Pop music from an early age.
Kanade started singing the melody of "Spain (Chick Corea)", before speaking words . She started playing drums at 3 years old, and decided to become a professional drummer at 5 years old.
Since she was in elementary school, she has appeared in numerous music events, musical instrument promotions, and TV shows.
She started working as a professional drummer while she was in junior high school.
She appeared as an assistant engineer "Lunetta" on NHK E-tele "Musica Piccolyno" and was in charge of drums.
While she was in music high school (percussion major), she studied not only percussion but also music theory, solfege, and piano.
She is currently active as a member of "Ear Candy Jazz Factory", "Muses", and "KOIAI", as well as session and support drummer.
2005 (3 years old)
· She told her father, "I want to play the drums." Started learning drums under her father.
2008 (5 years old)
· Started to study drumming under Yoshihiko Iwai (session drummer).
2009 (6 year old)
· Co-starred with Minoru Mukaiya (ex. Casiopea).
2012 (9 year old)
· Starred in promotional events and videos of Roland V-Drums.
2013 (10 years old)
· Participated in the recording of Minoru Mukaiya.
2014 (11 years old)
· Won the "Grand Prix" award in the global competition of women drummers "HIT LIKE A GIRL" Under 18 Age Group.
2016 (13 years old)
· Appeared in Singapore Drum Fest 2016.
2017 (14 years old)
· Appeared as "Lunetta" on the TV program NHK E-Tele "Musika Piccolino (Season 5)".
· Endorsement contract with Pearl Drums.
· Formed "Ear Candy Jazz Factory" with Rei Narita (Pf) and Naoko Sakurai (Bs). And held a debut live show in Jakarta.
2018 (15 years old)
· Performed on "ASAGIRI JAM 2018" as a member of NHK E-Tele "Musika Piccolino".
2019 (16 years old)
· Participated in the album "Top Runner", by one of the few female technical guitarists in Japan, Rie a.k.a. Suzaku.
· Appeared in "METAL MATSURI" held in London as a support member of Rie a.k.a. Suzaku.
· Appeared on Fuji TV NEXT "Shiori Tamai x Kohnosuke Sakazaki's Odaiba Folk Village NEXT" and co-starred with Akiko Wada, Kohnosuke Sakazaki (Alfie), Momoiro Clover Z, Yuki Koyanagi.
2020 (18 years old)
· Appeared in the online drum event "DRUMHEAD LIVE 2020". (The other drummers: Steve Gadd, Peter Erskine, Simon Phillips, and more.)
· Participated in the albums "World Journey" and "Best of Instrumental" of Rie a.k.a. Suzaku.
2021 (19 years old)
· Performed on "FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL'21" as a member of NHK E-Tele "Musika Piccolino".
· Drum sticks Endorsement contract with Alpha Drumworks.
2022 (20 years old)
· Formed the fusion band "Muses" with Rie a.k.a. Suzaku, Juna Serita, and Marie Fukai.
· Officially joined ``KOIAI'' (a rock band formed by Li-sa-X, Hazuki, and Kotono), which he had been participating in as live support for some time.
· Participate as the youngest instructor in the history of TIPSC (Taipei International Percussion Summer Camp), which has been held annually since 1999 by Taiwan's Ju Percussion Group. As her first full-fledged instructor, she will be in charge of six age-based classes for a total of 150 people.
· Sign an endorsement contract for drumsticks with HAOSEN, the official Taiwanese dealer of Pearl Drums.
· Hold a solo concert hosted by HAOSEN in Kaohsiung and Taipei.
· Hold a 15th anniversary concert hosted by ATEM MUSIC, which gave her the opportunity to make her stage debut in October 2009.
Kanade's teachers are her father and Yoshihiko Iwai.
She respects Akira Jimbo, Steve Gadd, Dave Weckl, Jeff Porcaro, etc. In addition, Shuichi Murakami, Tatsuo Hayashi, Yukihiro Takahashi, Buddy Rich, Harvey Mason, Omar Hakim, Dennis Chambers, etc. have a strong indirect influence from her father.
佐藤奏(さとう かなで)
Roland, Pearl, SABIAN, REMO, HAOSEN アーティスト。
幼い頃からJazz Fusion、Popsを中心に音楽に親しみ、言葉より先に「Spain(チック・コリア)」のメロディーを覚える。
NHK Eテレ「ムジカ・ピッコリーノ」では機関士助手『ルネッタ』として出演し、ドラムを担当。
現在「Ear Candy Jazz Factory」「Muses」「KOIAI」のメンバーとしての活動の他、セッションやサポートドラマーとして活躍中。
・女性ドラマーの世界的コンテスト「HIT LIKE A GIRL」Under 18 Age Groupにおいて日本人初の「グランプリ」受賞。
・Singapore Drum Fest 2016 に出演。初の海外進出を果たす。
・テレビ番組 NHK Eテレ「ムジカ・ピッコリーノ」シーズン5より『ルネッタ』として出演。
・パール楽器(Pearl Drums)とエンドース契約。
・成田玲(Pf)、櫻井奈緒子(Bs)と「Ear Candy Jazz Factory」結成。デビューライブをジャカルタで行う。
・NHK Eテレ「ムジカ・ピッコリーノ」のメンバーで「朝霧JAM 2018」に出演。
・数少ない女性テクニカルギタリストとして知られる Rie a.k.a. Suzaku のアルバム「Top Runner」に参加。
・Rie a.k.a. Suzakuのサポートメンバーとして、ロンドンで開催された「METAL MATSURI」に出演。
・オンラインドラムイベント「DRUMHEAD LIVE 2020」に出演。(他 Steve Gadd, Peter Erskine, Simon Phillipsなどが出演)
・Rie a.k.a. Suzakuのアルバム「World Journey」「Best of Instrumental」に参加。
・NHK Eテレ「ムジカ・ピッコリーノ」のメンバーで「FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL'21」に出演。
・ドラムスティックについてAlpha Drumworksと日本人初のエンドース契約。
・Rie a.k.a. Suzaku, 芹田ジュナ, 深井麻梨恵 とフュージョンバンド「Muses」結成。
・かねてよりライブサポートで参加していた「KOIAI」(Li-sa-X、 Hazuki、Kotonoの3名が結成したロックバンド)に正式加入。
・台湾の「宗パーカッション・グループ」が1999年より毎年開催している「TIPSC(Taipei International Percussion Summer Camp)」の史上最年少講師として参加。自身初の本格的な講師として「年齢別6クラス、総勢150人」を担当。
・Pearl Drums 台湾正規ディーラー「HAOSEN」とドラムスティックについてのエンドース契約を交わす。
・2009年10月にステージデビューの切っ掛けをくださったATEM MUSIC主催のもと、活動15周年記念ライブを開催。
心の師は 神保彰、Steve Gadd、Dave Weckl、Jeff Porcaro 等。その他、父からの間接的影響が強いのは 村上ポンタ秀一、林立夫、高橋幸宏、Buddy Rich、Harvey Mason、Omar Hakim、Dennis Chambers 等。